Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Phew. Fixed the pump.

Fixed the pump again today. Peter the plumber took it out but christmas came and we had a fire at Kirup. Too close not to have water so I made an decision to fix it myself. It's a Glockemann pump - a pump that's powered by the water itself. The piston cup had worn so I replaced it, re-fitted the pump in the creek, and then jumped in the dam let the water run through it. Lucky it wasn't freezing this time of year.

It still didn't work. I cut the water off again, pulled the pump out and replaced both the valves. Back in the dam - I needed to cool off anyway. Success. Well,  I only needed to climb the hill a couple of times to see if it was pumping to the tank.

I cut some blackberry back each time I went up the hill - it saves climbs.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We need help!

For a long time we've needed help on our little farm. Now through help exchange we've finally got our first two helpers coming. Should make a big difference.